Sunday, July 17, 2011

GM takes issue with VW chairman Winterkorn's statements about Opel

Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn has apparently ruffled some feathers at General Motors. The American automaker took the time to release a scornful statement about the VW executive's comments toward the beleaguered Eureopean brand, Opel. Apparently, Winterkorn took the time to comment on what he believes the brand faces in the near future while speaking with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, fuelling speculation that Opel is in dire straits and that a sale may be on the horizon. GM shot back by saying that VW is simply nervous about the launch of the Ampera in Europe, and that the automaker is simply trying to sabotage the Opel recovery.

Them's fightin' words.

GM says that due to the strong positive response that the Ampera has garnered so far, the company is now planning to crank out an additional Ampera models to satiate demand. Additionally, the statement makes it clear that Opel is an important part of the GM flock and that the brand isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Hit the jump to check out the official statement for yourself.

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